William Kye
Hi 👋, I’m Willie, a data scientist based in NYC. I was formerly in a Ph.D. program in Sociology at the University of Notre Dame but am now in tech (I have a lot to see on this - see this blog for more!). Trained as a social scientist, I have a unique perspective on data; I value inference over predictability and telling the right story over “being right”.
Currently, I am a data scientist at Clockwise where I am building tools around forecasting and architecting our revenue models. Before this, I led data and growth at CircleCI and did product analytics at Dia&Co. Working at several small start-ups, I’ve learned to wear many different hats. Somedays I’m working on data infrastructure, other days I’m modeling data and building dashboards. Most days, I’m on stack overflow seeing if someone’s already built a solution for the problem I’m working on.

Other than data, I got really into running during the pandemic. I ran my first half-marathon in 2022 and am constantly looking for new running routes where I don’t have to battle bikers. I am also just generally a curious person and love learning! I’m learning Korean right now (if anyone wants to practice with me let me know!) and learned how to build this very website from scratch!
Whether you’re interested in data or just wanna connect follow me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email @ williamkye93[at]gmail[dot]com.